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Сreating electronic book

An eBook is a digital publication that can be, either a paper book that was converted into its electronic equivalent or it can be a completely independent publication that can be read only with a device implementation.  Although, eBooks have a very short history, the number of people that are switching from classic books to eBooks is increasing very rapidly. An eBook reader, a tablet or a notebook can store a whole library and is lot easier to carry wherever you go. The applications that were recently developed allow readers not only to store content on their devices but also to read directly online by accessing their favorite newspaper website or online magazine.

The decision to publish your material in an eBook format is great, not only considering the cost but also taking into account the additional benefits that come from it being available online and reaching out to a huge number of Internet users.
Creating an eBook is easy and doesn’t require much knowledge or skills, but if you want professional results it’s better to assign this task to a professional service provider. We offer premium E-Book Publishing  Service and Book Conversion service into eBook format. The eBook  Creation Service includes several steps which are very important.

You can choose to publish an eBook in PDF, Word or HTML format. Each of these formats have their advantages and disadvantages. A PDF eBook will look great on any device and will also be ready for printing. Whatever format you may choose, there will always be the option to make further changes in all formats because the content of a digital book can easily be modified. This is an important aspect that makes eBooks so popular these days.

For converting paper books, our eBook Creation Service uses special software and scanners that provide high accuracy for data recognition and data capturing. After a Book conversion is completed, the material goes into editing and formatting phase where we select text size, shape, design patterns, images, photos and other details that will be part of your eBook. Once all the material is arranged and formatted, we carry out several tests to see how the new eBook looks on various devices. This is a very important step because an eBook hard to read or an eBook that doesn’t load correctly is undesirable.

Another important part of the eBook creation is good selection of content and title. You want something that will be appealing to your readers and suit their interests. The metadata that you include is very important.
People will be able to find your eBook easily and the number of your readers will increase rapidly with correct metadata. Our E-Book Publishing Service experts will help you create SEO friendly eBooks adapted to all the most used search engines.

EBooks can be released in different formats which work only on certain devices. Some of the main formats supported by our eBook Creation Service

.aiff — Audio Interchange File Format.  A format developed by Apple.
Works on all Apple devices.

.azv — Amazon Kindle Format. This format is an Amazon brand and is
compatible only with the Amazon Kindle e-reader.

DAISY – Digital Accessible Information System Format. A text and audio
that offers the possibility to navigate the text the same way as you navigate on a

.djvu – the .djvu format was developed as an alternative to PDF
documents. Used mainly for scanning .djvu files, this format is compatible with
any device.

.epub – Electronic Publication Format. This is a format developed and
updated by the International Digital Publishing Forum. The main advantage of
this format is that the text is designed to adjust to the screen size for
optimal reading.

.html — Hypertext Markup Language Format. It’s a well known web
programming language that is the foundation of every website on the Internet.
It has sufficient features for text formatting, which is shown usually as a web

.mobi — Mobipocket Mobile Format. This is also a brand of Amazon and
was designed to make eBooks compatible with mobile devices like Blackberry,
Samsung Galaxy, etc.

.mp3 – The MPEG layer 3 format is an audio format that was first
released by Motion Picture Experts Group. It’s a great format for audio books.

.ogg – An open-source format for audio and visual files. Runs on
almost all media players.

.pdf – The Portable Document Format. This format developed by Adobe
has become widely used by all the Internet users. It’s a very compact format
that makes the file visualization a wonderful experience.

.txt – Plain Text File.  Text files can be read on any desktop or
notebook and even some of the e-readers.

There are also other formats that are not so widely spread.

We provide E-Book Publishing Service and Book conversion services
in any format you want. You can choose to publish in several formats to make
your eBook available on multiple devices.

Stages of work:

  • You inform us about the location/site of work, requirements and your contact information
  • We give an estimate of the total cost
  • We start the work upon your agreement of the financial quote provided by us.
  • We send the first result based on which mutually agreeable changes to the requirements are made.
  • Upon completion of the work, we transfer all the results
  • You make the complete payment as decided previously.