Creation of electronic archives
What is an electronic archive?
Electronic archive of documents is an information system providing multiple user access to the electronic documents.
Main functions of electronic archive are as follows:
- Creating hierarchical catalog of documents
- Breaking down an information by document types
- Storing electronic documents (electronic copies of documents)
- Retrieval of documents using hierarchical document catalog and document attributes
- Allowing access to documents based on user rights
- Viewing documents
- Copying documents
- Printing documents
- Backing up documents
- System administration (creating new user accounts, assigning access rights and control)
Advantages of electronic document archive:
- The process of an information search in paper archive is quite difficult and even impossible in case of errors which occur during adding and describing new documents
- The electronic copies of documents are easier to use (to reproduce, to print, to send by an e-mail and to insert into other documents) than original hard copies
- Hard-copy documents deteriorate with time, but the electronic copy will remain unchanged
- Some archive documents submitted for temporary use may be irretrievably lost or damaged. The electronic archive solution allows to avoid direct contact with original documents by giving access only to their copies
- To create the electronic archive, the documents shall be duly organized and structured allowing to standardize and harmonize all procedures for document use
- In case of emergencies, such as fire, flood and other accidents, none of the information carrier guarantees full security of the stored data. To reduce the risk of its loss, the information should be backed up and the backup copies should be stored in divers’ places. The cost of an electronic archive backing up is much lower than making backup of hard copies or an ordinary paper archive.
- And the last advantage of electronic document archive is a significant saving on time spent to search and process information. The user has no need to go to the archive section, look through huge catalogues and statements, and search through piles of paper on storage racks for necessary documents. To get any document, all the user needs is a computer, connected to company’s network and required access rights.
We create electronic archives using our own developed E-Arch System.
Stages of work:
- You inform us about the location/site of work, requirements and your contact information
- We give an estimate of the total cost
- We start the work upon your agreement of the financial quote provided by us.
- We send the first result based on which mutually agreeable changes to the requirements are made.
- Upon completion of the work, we transfer all the results
- You make the complete payment as decided previously.