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Archived document handling

When the leader realizes that his or her employees spend a lot of time for searching some document, he understands that it is necessary to make changes. It is important to stock documents correctly, in order to find easily all the necessary ones.

Only the professional can make the right archived handling, as practice shows. When there are no employees who can handle this task, the leader have to spend a lot of time to think out the handling process.

But there is a more convenient way. The out-tasking this “headache” gives the easy and competent way to solve the task. The High-quality service of archived document handling, provided by our company, is already appraised by a number of our clients. Our specialists will carry our audit for your archive, classify all the documents according to different attributes in order to make the search more convenient, and also offer a way of arrangement. You don’t have to search for a necessary paper for a long time now.

We are ready to fully handle your archived documents, give an easy and at the same time safe access to the archive.  By taking your documents to our storage, we guarantee to keep them away from third parties and equally give access to them to all of you via Internet. Therefore, in a case of robbery in the office or any other accidents, the documents will be safe in our storage.

The advantages of archived document handling out-tasking.

In other words, the advantages are the following:

  • time-saving for employees, who don’t have to handle archives anymore;
  • money-saving, which means you can increase salary rate of those employees who spent all days in search of certain papers;
  • more space, free from the archived documents.

The advantages of archived document handling out-tasking are clear for any company. Small and middle-sized firms profit from out-tasking this activity to your company. Large companies can easily arrange archive in their own space, but profit from safe document storage with the third party (our company).

To assure you of our earnest we charge only after the work is done or the obligations are implemented. There is no such thing as payments on account.

Why you should choose ReDocs?

Our Company has been present in the market for over 12 years. During this period, we have formed a team of highly skilled specialists who can successfully tackle any project regardless of its size and complexity. We have implemented over hundred major projects for Clients in various countries and industry sectors. Our partners highly appreciate the efficiency, reliability and quality of our services. We deliver services both for small companies and large-scale corporations in Europe, Russia, America and Asia. Our Russian web site is: www.redocs.ru